These three life size sculptures by Jo Hess represent the founders of AMSI, originally part of Health-South in Birmingham, Alabama. It was a significant undertaking for Jo, requiring many trips to Birmingham, and later to the foundry in Loveland Colorado, where she supervised the casting process. A 6-minute video at the bottom of the page shows how the process works.
Please scroll down to see how Jo worked on this huge project.
AMSI Founders Sculpture Unveiling Event - click to see pictures
Click to see the gallery images of the Founders Sculpture
After the artist completes the clay models, she is far from finished. There are many more steps that have to happen before she can deliver the finished bronze sculptures. All these steps take place at the foundry, and Jo stayed close by to check on every step.
Below is a video of what happens at the foundry. Jo always used Art Castings of Colorado, which is not the foundry used in this video. However, the process is the same.